Delivery rate of 90% or more is acceptable by our high standards. If you follow our recommendations you can achieve 95%+ on 8020REI.
- Make sure your Action Plans are rotating the prospecting templates for initial messages.
- All initial message should be Dynamic content (Custom Merge Fields). Static templates can not be used for prospecting purposes.
- Create unique messages. Although we provide templates we highly recommend after you are using 8020REI for a few days to go back and create your own templates for prospecting purposes. Do not copy form anyone else. Here are some tips:
- Write messages the same way you speak
- Be conversational and purposeful
- Do not apologize. Sellers need our help
- Do not send prospecting messages with "out of the blue" intros, carriers are blocking unwanted messages, any content that might read like unwanted or lead generation will get blocked.
Some examples TO AVOID:- "Any chance this is"
- "Sorry to disturb"
- "I know we haven't met"
- "Apologies for this text"
- "Pardon my text"
- "Is this the right number for"
- "Are you the owner of"
- Use the Merge Fields feature to create dynamic templates nd follow these guidelines:
For example, if you use the concept "I am interested in buying" make sure you don't repeat the word interested or buying more than 10% to 15% of the variations of that template. - Buy more numbers. Our daily limit is 70 messages per number. But we highly recommend keeping it below 60 messages per number. If you are sending 5000 messages per day make sure you have at least 90 numbers.
- Respond within 5 minutes. The higher your interaction with the numbers the better the carriers will grade the reputation of your numbers.
- Use either the property address, owner name, or first name at the end of the message. Carriers look for several things when filtering SMS including if there are trends. By adding the name or the property address in the end it might help.
- Feel free to use longer initial messages. It's a myth that you can't send over 160 characters. What you want it to make messages that look like a human would send in real-time. If it means going over the 160 characters mark its OK! Up to 320 characters won't give you any trouble.
- Include a clear call to action. This will help increase your response rate and the reputation of your number.
- Don't over-contact a prospect. Our Action plans allow you to be very creative with your SMS sequences but please be reasonable on how often you reach out for the same prospects. We recommend a minimum of 7 days apart between 2 prospecting messages in any action plan.
- Monitor the template health report weekly.
- Do not include links in any initial messages.
- Avoid using the following Spammy words:
- Offer
- Cash
- $
- Sell fast
- Deal
- Random
- Don't use spammy language
- Your company name
- Misstypes like Ca$h, De4l