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Skip Tracing with 8020REI

You can now skip trace using 8020REI. You will have the option to run your lists with different vendors and the pricing is:

SourcePrice UsersPrice Non-usersRecommended ListOutput
Source #1$0.10 per hit$0.15 per hit
  • 3 or more Distress points
  • 71 or more Score
  • Pre-foreclosure
  • Tax delinquent
  • Probates
  • Auctions
  • Bankruptcy
  • Up to 5 phone numbers
  • Up to 3 relatives with up to 3 numbers each
  • Bankruptcy flag
  • Deceased flag
  • Up to 5 emails
  • Golden Address
Source #2
$0.08 per hit
$0.10 per hit
  • High equity
  • Absentee
  • Vacant
  • 2 or fewer Distress points
  • 70 or fewer Score
  • Up to 3 phone numbers
  • Number quality score

Click here to submit your skip trace request. Make sure to use one of the following templates: You can also export from your account using the Skip Trace export configuration. When submitting a request make sure to include the file and the source you want to use.

IMPORTANT: 8020REI is not responsible for removing duplicates from previously skiptracing properties. All skip tracing fees are non-refundable, without exception.

When choosing Source #1 you will be charged for all record searches that match any type of data - this may include but is not limited to phone numbers, email addresses, age, deceased flag, bankruptcy flag, foreclosure, lien, or judgment dates, and relative's information. If a record returns just one piece of data or all, this will count as one hit and you will be charged for it.

Skip trace requests are going to be processed from 9 AM to 5:30 PM EST. We will process them immediately as they come and return time can take up to 3-4 hours on average.