Aim for a delivery rate of 90% or higher, with a target of 95%+ on 8020REI.
Ensure your Action Plans rotate prospecting templates for initial messages. All initial messages should be dynamic content using custom merge fields. Static templates are not suitable for prospecting.
Create unique messages for prospecting purposes. While we provide templates, it's highly recommended to develop your own templates after using 8020REI for a few days. Avoid copying from others. Here are some tips:
- Write messages in a conversational and purposeful manner, similar to how you speak.
- Avoid apologizing. Sellers need our help.
- Avoid using "out of the blue" intros or content that may appear as unwanted or lead generation, as carriers may block such messages.
Utilize the Merge Fields feature and follow these guidelines for dynamic templates:
- Keep at least 10 prospecting templates enabled at all times.
- Use 3 to 4 parts for each prospecting template.
- Include 8 to 12 variations for each part of the template.
- Avoid repeating the same word more than twice within the variations.
Respond to messages within 5 minutes. Higher interaction with numbers improves carrier reputation.
Longer initial messages are acceptable. The myth of a 160-character limit is false. Focus on creating messages that appear as if a human sent them in real-time. You can go up to 320 characters without any trouble.
Include a clear call to action to boost response rates and your number's reputation.
Avoid over-contacting prospects. While our Action plans allow creative SMS sequences, it's important to be reasonable and not reach out too frequently. We recommend a minimum of 10 days between two prospecting messages in any action plan.
Monitor the template health report daily.
Avoid including links in initial messages.
Steer clear of spammy words such as "offer," "cash," "$," "sell fast," "deal," "random," and avoid using spammy language, ALL CAPS, your company name, or misspelled words like "Ca$h" or "De4l."