How Total Value is calculated?

Total Value is the estimated market value of a property, determined by analyzing sales of similar properties in the area. Updated biweekly by our national data vendor, it usually aligns closely with the property's after-repair value (ARV) but in some cases, it can vary by about 20 to 30% from the actual value.

Steps to Determine an Estimated Cash Offer Percentage:

    1. Review Sample Properties:

        We provide a list of properties with their estimated total values.

    2. Conduct Comparative Market Analysis (Comps):

Analyze at least 15 comparable properties to accurately estimate their market values. This process informs your ARV estimation, which you should input in column G of the provided Google sheet.

    3. Input Your Estimated Cash Offer:

Enter your calculated cash offer for these sample properties in column H based on the ARV you determined.

    4. Internal Processing for Future Recommendations:

        We'll use this data to recommend cash offers for your future Direct Mail marketing lists.

Importance of Accurate Offer Percentage

Getting the offer percentage correct is key. For example, if a property's total value is estimated at $300,000 but its actual value is $390,000, an offer at 70% of the estimated value ($210,000) significantly undervalues the property. This might lead to low response rates from your mail. Conversely, offering too high can create unrealistic expectations among sellers, potentially affecting your credibility.