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The Likely Deal Score, ranging from 0 to 100, is a powerful metric developed by 8020REI. It evaluates properties based on a host of distress factors, such as foreclosure, divorce, bankruptcy, and more.

Why does it matter?

  • Quick Evaluations: The Likely Deal Score offers a snapshot of a property's investment potential. High scores equate to higher prospects of profitable investment.
  • Prioritize Profitably: The Score assists in identifying and prioritizing promising properties for investment.
  • Risk Awareness: With the score factoring in various distress signals, it aids in predicting potential risks.
  • Save Time: The Likely Deal Score expedites the property selection process, saving crucial time.

The Likely Deal Score, a unique blend of data and tech from 8020REI, provides a straightforward, efficient approach to real estate investment. Boost your investment process with this innovative metric.