Optimizing Campaigns and Data Handling in Convoso

Recommended Campaign Settings

  1. Multi-Campaign Structure: For each market, create 4 types of campaigns:

  2. - Urgent
  3. - High
  4. - Low
  5. - NYIs (Not Yet Implemented)
  6. Campaign Groups: Utilize the "Campaign Groups" feature to have agents calling up to 3 different campaigns simultaneously.

    • - Why?: Useful for businesses operating in multiple markets.
  7. Data Allocation: Be intentional about the data each team is calling.

    • - Current Status: 80% cold callers, 20% appointment setters
    • - Goal: Customize the data allocation based on campaign priorities.

List Format Guidelines

  1. Phone Numbers Per Lead: Convoso allows a maximum of 3 phone numbers per lead.

    • Note: Adding more will result in those numbers being ignored.
  2. Custom Lead Layouts: If a custom layout is created with more than 3 phone numbers, make sure all lists match this specific layout.

  3. Status Report:

    • - 4-5 days before receiving new data, export a status report from Convoso.
    • - Send it to your data team to make necessary changes.

Redials Settings and Hopper Priorities

  • Goal: Prioritize data by tiers (Urgent, High, Low), and then re-dials by status.
  • Impact: This should improve contact rates, phone time, and overall productivity for agents.

Weekly Report:

  • Expect a weekly report tracking your contact rate. (Check this example)
  • A 4% to 6% contact rate is considered standard.

Note: Detailed settings for redials and hopper priorities can be found here