
This documentation presents recommendations for improving your direct mail practices. It also provides valuable insights into refining a client's direct mail letter and postcards to maximize effectiveness in engaging potential customers.


Follow these recommendations for successful direct mail campaigns:

  • Alternate Letters and Postcards (Letters perform better than postcards, use a 2 to 1 ratio, meaning every 2 Letters you send a postcard). 

  • Consider sending handwritten letters to urgent properties every month.

  • Use different postcards for each month. Having 3 or 4 different designs is enough (if you send the same postcard every month your results will decrease over time)

  • Partner with DMForce, our trusted direct mail partner, who knows how to effectively use our data.

  • Design personable envelopes that appear as if they were sent by someone the recipient knows.

  • Visit a building and observe how property owners engage with their mail to gain valuable insights.


1. Targeted Messages 

An unadvised practice is when the letter is somewhat generic, offering a fast purchase without repairs, is a commonly adopted industry approach. 

To address this, consider implementing targeted messages tailored to specific pain points of sellers. Creating personalized messages for individual needs makes communication more compelling and relevant. Here is a documentation to learn more about targeted messages. 

For every seller, there are four targeted messages.

Before using targeted messages

After using targeted messages

2. Targeted Testimonials 

Another tool is the targeted testimonial which based on the main distress that the seller has, we write a message that is specific to help solve the financial distress that they have (financial distress, pre-foreclosure, absentee). It helps to address specific distress points experienced by sellers.

Incorporate targeted testimonials that directly speak to the seller's main distress. These testimonials provide a personal touch, creating a stronger connection with potential clients.

Highlighting Local and Professional Credentials

The local and professional aspects of the business could be emphasized. Showcase local expertise, highlight the number of years in business, and emphasize professionalism. Make the BBB (Better Business Bureau) logo more prominent to enhance credibility.

Visual Consistency and Credibility Enhancement

The visual appeal of the letter could be enhanced for better engagement and credibility.

Add star ratings, similar to the familiar format on platforms like Facebook and Google, to enhance the business's credibility visually. 

Consider featuring a visual representation of the three steps of “How The System Works” for clarity. 

  1. Call or fill out the form

  2. Get your fair cash offer

  3. Get paid at closing

Additionally, include graphics to represent the three steps visually.

Ensuring coherence between direct mail and the website is crucial. This means that the letter should incorporate color tones that match those of the website, including background, images, logos, and other visual elements. Recognizing images is essential since many individuals review the letters, perform Google searches, visit the website, and may ultimately take action. 


Implementing these recommendations will significantly improve the effectiveness of the direct mail campaign. By incorporating targeted messaging, personalized testimonials, and visual enhancements, the communication becomes more engaging and relevant to potential sellers. 

For a sample of a well-designed postcard and to explore more examples, click here.